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MTE Power Quality Solutions.
As many capabilities as you
need. (Or as few.)
Power quality management requirements vary
significantly. By utility. By industry. By application.
By country. By site. That is why MTE offers a variety
of Power Quality and Filter products, for both
input (line-side) and output (load-side) of Variable
Frequency Drives (VFD) and power conversion
equipment. These components represent strategic
parameters of power quality. MTE can provide you
a complete power quality solution.
Matrix® Harmonic Filters: Our patented
Matrix® Filter can be specified for use on the
input of your VFD or other 6-pulse rectifier
power supply to enable your system to meet the
IEEE-519 requirements for Harmonic Distortion.
Available in 3-Phase or 1-Phase solutions.
Input & Output Reactors: We offer our RLW
and RL family of Line Reactors for both line-side
and load-side applications, absorbing many of the
power disturbances that can disrupt or damage
your valuable equipment.
dV/dt Filters: MTE’s dV/dt Filters are a cost
effective means to eliminate high peak voltages
and their destructive effects on cables and
motors at distances up to 1000’, and can be used
with switching frequencies of 900Hz - 8kHz.
Sine Wave Filters: MTE’s Sine Wave Filters
provide a sine wave output voltage when driven
by PWM inverters with standard switching
frequencies from 2kHz to 8kHz, reducing or
eliminating cable and insulation failures and EMI
at distances out to 15,000 ft of cable.
EMI/RFI Filters: High Frequency emissions of
VFDs and Inverters can be reduced or eliminated
with MTE’s economical EMI/RFI Filters, the
solution to many facility interference problems.
These products can be used to help your system
meet stringent FCC limits or EMC Directives.
DC Link Chokes: When added between the
input rectifier and bus capacitors, MTE’s DC Link
Choke will reduce the AC ripple on the DC bus and improve the AC input waveform.